Monday, February 19, 2007

Cold Fusion News Warms Up

Cold Fusion isn't a dead science it seems and happens to be in the news today. New Scientist has a story about research results achieved in 2002, quickly thrown into question by peers, that has been found to be confirmed by independent verification. Cold fusion first entered the public consciousness in March 1989 when researchers Fleischmann and Pons announced that they had discovered cold fusion. There was much controversy in the science community and in the months to follow what ended up in the news was that the Fleischmann and Pons results could never be verified by other researchers so Fleischmann and Pons research must have been faulty. Since that time Fleischmann and Pons have continued their research in France and other researchers have quietly been doing work on the cold fusion problem as well. Some have even claimed to have duplicated Fleischmann and Pons results. This is where the most recent story comes from. A researcher working on "bubble" fusion reported results, had the results poo pooed at, and finally had his research confirmed. None of this probably makes the main stream news because once news organizations felt that cold fusion was debunked they stopped reporting anything about it.

It is a very elusive subject to follow. Is the science real? Maybe no one can really be sure yet so it is good that research continues. It is the kind of topic that gives conspiracy theorists wet dreams, because there is so much there to think that a conspiracy must exist. I usually don't believe in conspiracies (and I don't now) because I don't think people can keep secrets in today's world. I love stories like this though. I keep hoping one day we will wake up and hear/read about some incredible breakthrough in something that will change the world. Curing cancer, discovering a clean energy source, something along those lines that would immediately start changing the world. I can dream can't I. I'll leave you a last link that concerns different possibilities of cold fusion. It is a little old, but it's angle plays into the research as being outside the mainstream while giving some hope to the possibilities involved if real results are accomplished.

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